Thursday, December 3, 2009

25. Test cases on uplaoding files

For a single file.
1.Check that how many current records/files are there.
2.Click on add/Upload button by selecting a file.
3.Once again check for the number of records prasent.Check
for that has newly uploded file for updatation.
U can do checking for multiple files updatation.
Select a file which is already uploaded and click on Upload
Check the application behavior(Like It should display a
message that the selected file already uploaded..It will
overwrite Yes..No...


  1. 1. check image's extension,
    2. check image's size.
    3. check image pixel(Height and Width)
    4 check image upload with image group of different extension,
    5. verify uploaded message after image upload.
    6. check image quality after upload image.

  2. Check the uploaded file date sync with the system
